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About Me

I'm Gina Stinson...a southern girl, born in

Tennessee and raised in Georgia. From

an early age I remember loving

discarded things, always attempting

to reuse them in some way. Little did

I know that would be the theme for

my entire life.


By the time I was twenty I had

experienced great loss and great love.

What was a difficult time, God

reclaimed for his glory. His stories of

reclamation continue to occur over and

over in my life.


I am a pastor's wife and a mom to two teenagers.

Life is exciting and busy during this season, yet I continue

to love finding time to pick out good books, soft yarn, reclaimed household items and beautiful music. I'm snatching up every minute that life seems to rush away!


Sharing God-stories has become a significant part of giving him glory for all he has done around me. Whether it's my own life, women who I have the opportunity to minister to and with, or listening to stories of other rescued and redeemed individuals, nothing gives me more joy than sharing there is a redeemer who desires to reclaim broken lives for his glory. 


Thank you for stopping by. I'd love to hear the story of how God is reclaiming your brokenness for his glory.


Contact Me:

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