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Writer's pictureGina Stinson


Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Many of us want the desires of our heart fulfilled. We look to marriage, jobs, children, food, travel, friendships and other things to fulfill the space that is reserved for the Lord. God's word is clear that our only real, satisfaction will come from seeking Him first.

When I think about delighting in something I think about when my children were first born. Those first few months of newness, when everything they did was precious, when I was always looking for the next "first" thing they did... rolling over, crawling, first solid foods, first tooth. Everything was delightful. They had my full attention. My heart was full, life was good.

And I wonder if that's not how we should delight in the Lord—being more aware of His presence, His work in our lives, how He is orchestrating and moving and watching in awe at the "firsts" He accomplishes. I wonder if we wouldn't be more fulfilled if we would just sit in delight of who He is, what He has done and what His word promises us He will do.

Sometimes, just as our kids reach milestones and get older, we pay a little less attention—they are eating on their own, they can dress themselves, they can do their own homework—and we lose sight of the delightful moments in the tween and teen years. They slide right by and we look back and wish we had cherished those moments more.

Don't regret missing the moments right now to delight in the Lord. There are things happening right now that we can thank Him for, praise Him for and give Him glory. Don't miss it!

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