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Writer's pictureGina Stinson

The Overcomer

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34

Worry—one of those concealed sins that no one really ever has to know you struggle with.

Yet, the battle on the inside rarely stays on the inside and worry becomes part of our conversations, our motives and our agendas. We try to fix the things we worry about and we try to make them go away. But that's not God's way.

He says "tomorrow there's gonna be trouble." It's guaranteed. Other scriptures back up this same thought, "in this world you will have trouble." God tells us, live today, don't be anxious...don't worry about tomorrow. There will be trouble, there will be tight finances, broken down cars, spilt milk, arguments on the way to church, sick kids in the middle of the night, taxes, disease.

But He has overcome all that. He has overcome the WORLD. We can trust Him because He has already overcome the world—past tense—on the cross—He overcame.

So do we live carelessly and uncontrolled? No. But we live with the assurance that we don't have to worry about the troubles coming. We know they are coming and we know the Lord, our overcomer, is making a way for us to walk through that trouble—just like He did yesterday and the day before that.

He has already won. And because I know him, I can let him worry about my worries.

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