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Writer's pictureGina Stinson


I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope, my soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning. Psalm 130:5-6

Christians are a waiting people. We waited for the Messiah to come to earth the first time and we are waiting for His return again. We wait in confident hope because His Word assures us He is coming again.

But for me, that's not exactly the waiting that is most difficult on most days. It's the waiting for everyday things like medical test results, healing, for prayers to be answered, for job interview results and houses to sell and kids to behave and school to let out.

These verses clearly show us that waiting takes effort. Soul effort—real determination and concentration on the word of God that gives us hope and strength and reassurance that this waiting is worth it and has a purpose. Some of the sweetest times of fellowship with the Lord can happen when we are waiting, and in contrast, some of the most frustrating times with the Lord can be when we are waiting—if we forget to establish our hope in His word.

Repetition can't be ignored in scripture. David repeats the phrase "more than watchman for the morning." This is a picture of a nurse watching the clock as her patient makes it through the night, or a soldier in the trenches waiting under the cloak of darkness as the sun begins to rise. Both are diligent in the waiting, but are hopeful knowing the sun is rising soon.

Oh, what a hope we have too—even in the waiting—because the SON will be coming soon. So whatever has you waiting right now...

Wait with hope. Wait with expectation. Wait in His Word.

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